Psychological Testing


Psychological testing involves a battery of tests that aim to gather a vast amount of information about the individual in a short amount of time.

This information on cognitive development includes emotional tendencies, strengths and limitations in problem solving, and any underlying cognitive issues that may be contributing to problematic behaviors in a social, occupational, or academic setting.

Results from psychological testing can guide the therapeutic process by uncovering an issue and using objective measures to identifying the most efficacious form of therapy.

The most common testing we offer is educational testing.

After undergoing a battery of psychological tests, the individual and their family will meet with the psychologist to review results.

These results can then be used to guide therapy or help clarify any academic or occupational needs of the individual.

Who is psychological testing for?

  • Testing is for individuals ranging from grade school age (6-8) to adulthood.
  • Results from testing can be used to clarify any issues that need to be addressed in therapy or accommodated in an academic or occupational setting.

What’s involved?

  • Testing involves a series of tasks and measures administered by a licensed clinical psychologist.
  • Testing can last up to 8 hours and a written reports will be provided approximately one month later.

Why is psychological testing important?

  • Psychological testing can uncover any underlying cognitive issues contributing to behavioral problems.
  • It can also unveil information on cognitive strengths and deficits.